The Kingdom of God


# " Our Journey into the Heart of God's Eternal Reign"

## 1. Understanding the Kingdom of God.

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, amidst the chaos and noise, a higher calling beckons us to a reality far beyond our immediate surroundings - the Kingdom of God. This isn't just any kingdom; it's a realm where divine principles govern, where eternal truths hold sway, and where the light outshines the darkness.

But what does it truly mean to be part of this kingdom? How do we navigate our way into its boundless territories? Let's embark on a journey together, exploring the profound depths of the Kingdom of God, and uncovering the transformation it promises for our lives.

Often, we find ourselves searching for meaning, for a purpose that transcends our earthly existence. The Kingdom of God offers just that, a vision of life that is not only about the here and now but stretches into eternity. It's about recognizing that we are part of a divine narrative, one that invites us to live in accordance with values that are unshakeable and timeless.

At its core, the Kingdom of God is about righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit. It's a kingdom where love is the law, and justice the foundation. Here, our hearts become the fertile ground for God's laws, engraved not on stone, but upon the very fabric of our being. It's a radical invitation to live in a way that reflects the heart of our King, under whose reign we find true freedom and fulfilment.

## 2. The Eternal and Increasing Nature of the Kingdom.

Unlike the kingdoms of this world, which rise and fall, the Kingdom of God is eternal. Its foundations are unshakeable, its reign without end. This kingdom doesn't just remain static; it's ever-increasing, growing in glory, reach, and impact. It's a testament to the unrelenting love and power of God, constantly advancing to bring healing, restoration, and peace to every corner of creation.

As we step into this kingdom, we become part of something far greater than ourselves. We join a movement that is unstoppable, a cause that is just, and a mission that brings hope and light to the darkest places. It's an exciting adventure, knowing that with every step we take, we are part of God's eternal, increasing work in the world.

## 3. The Small Beginning and Growth of the Kingdom.

The Kingdom of God often starts like a mustard seed - small, almost insignificant, yet containing within it the blueprint for unimaginable growth. From humble beginnings, the kingdom expands, reaching out to encompass all who come under its influence. It's a powerful reminder that in God's economy, nothing is wasted, and from the smallest of starts can come the mightiest of outcomes.

This principle of growth extends to us as well. Our journey into the kingdom might begin with a simple step of faith, a whisper of hope, but as we grow in our understanding and experience of God's love, we too can become mighty oaks of righteousness, providing shelter and strength to those around us.

## 4. The Role of Jesus in Establishing the Kingdom.

It all started with Jesus. His life, death, and resurrection were the catalysts for the kingdom's unveiling. Through His teachings, miracles, and parables, Jesus gave us glimpses of this heavenly kingdom, inviting us to rethink our values, priorities, and the very way we live. He taught us that to enter this kingdom, we need to be born again, transformed by the Spirit, adopting a heart and mindset aligned with God's.

Jesus isn't just the founder of the kingdom; He's its very essence. Following Him means embracing His way of life, accepting His lordship, and actively participating in the work of the kingdom. It's a call to radical discipleship, where our lives reflect the beauty, grace, and truth of our King.

## 5. Being Born Again to Enter the Kingdom.

The Kingdom of God is not a place we can enter through human effort or merit. It's a realm that requires us to be born again, born of water and the Spirit. This new birth is a divine transformation that allows us to see and enter the kingdom. It's about letting go of our old ways and embracing a new identity in Christ.

Being born again is the beginning of a lifelong journey of growth and discovery. As we walk in the Spirit, our eyes are opened to the realities of the kingdom, and we begin to live in its light, experiencing the fullness of life that Jesus promised.

## 6. Declaring and Advancing the Kingdom.

As citizens of the Kingdom of God, we are called to declare its reality to the world. Our words and actions release the kingship of Jesus, bringing His rule and reign into our spheres of influence. Through prayer, we align our will with God's, asking for His kingdom to come, His will to be done on earth.

## 2. The Eternal and Increasing Nature of the Kingdom.

### The Foundation of Eternity.

In a world where change is the only constant, the Kingdom of God stands as an unwavering beacon of hope and stability. Its eternal nature isn't just a comforting thought; it's a profound reality that offers us an anchor amidst life's storms. Imagine being part of a kingdom that won't crumble under pressure, won't fade into history, and whose King reigns supreme through every age.

This is not a fairy tale; it's the promise of God's unending kingdom. It's a realm where time does not erode its glory, nor does the progression of human history diminish its power. Here, we find a lasting legacy, one that outlives us and offers a future filled with hope.

### A Kingdom on the Rise.

But the Kingdom of God is not static; it's dynamically expanding, reaching into every corner of the earth, transforming lives and communities. With each passing day, its influence grows, not through coercion but through the compelling power of love and truth. It's exhilarating to think that we are part of this incredible expansion.

Our lives, our actions, and our words contribute to the kingdom's growth, spreading its message of hope, peace, and justice far and wide. As we align ourselves with the King's purposes, we participate in the most significant movement in history, one that brings light to the darkest places and offers healing to a broken world.

### The Unstoppable Force.

The increasing nature of God's kingdom is not a mere wishful thinking; it's a reality backed by the unrelenting zeal of the Lord. This kingdom advances not by human might but by the Spirit of God, moving forward with divine momentum that cannot be halted. It's thrilling to realize that we are part of this unstoppable force, agents of change in the hands of an omnipotent King.

Our efforts, no matter how small they may seem, play a crucial role in this divine expansion. As we share love, enact justice, and speak truth, we sow seeds that will grow into mighty oaks of righteousness, contributing to the kingdom's ever-increasing nature.

### Our Role in the Eternal Story.

Being part of the Kingdom of God is not a passive experience; it invites active participation. Our daily choices, conversations, and actions are threads woven into the fabric of God's eternal kingdom. Each of us has a unique role to play, a specific call to answer in advancing this kingdom on earth.

As we embrace this call, we discover our place in a story much larger than ourselves—a narrative that spans the ages and invites every tribe, tongue, and nation into its unfolding saga. This is the beauty of the Kingdom of God: it's eternal, it's increasing, and we are invited to contribute to its glorious expansion.

## 3. The Small Beginning and Growth of the Kingdom.

In our journey through life, we often overlook the small beginnings, dismissing them as inconsequential. Yet, the Kingdom of God teaches us a profound lesson about the potential hidden in these humble starts. Just like the mustard seed, the smallest in the garden, which grows into a towering tree, the kingdom starts within us as a flicker of faith and expands beyond our wildest imaginations.

This growth is not just about numbers; it's about depth, impact, and transformation. As we nurture this seed with prayer, study, and fellowship, we witness a magnificent unfolding of God's plan in our lives and the lives of those around us.

- **The Power of Small Beginnings: ** Never underestimate the impact of a single act of kindness, a word spoken in season, or a prayer offered in faith. These are the seeds from which the Kingdom grows.

- **Nurturing Growth: ** Like any garden, the Kingdom within us requires attention. Regular prayer, engaging with Scripture, and community fellowship are the water and sunlight that fuel our growth.

- **Expanding Influence: ** As we grow in our faith, our influence expands. We become beacons of light in our communities, workplaces, and families, inviting others into the transformative experience of the Kingdom.

The beauty of the Kingdom's growth is that it doesn't rely on our strength or wisdom but on God's nurturing hand. He takes our small offerings and multiplies them, using our lives to display His glory. This growth often happens incrementally, in ways we might not immediately notice.

Yet, over time, we look back in awe at how far we've come, not just in our personal journey of faith but in how the Kingdom has advanced through us. It's a humbling and exhilarating process, reminding us that in God's Kingdom, every small beginning has the potential for exponential growth.

## 4. The Role of Jesus in Establishing the Kingdom.

Jesus stands at the heart of the Kingdom of God - not just as its herald, but as its very foundation. His earthly journey, marked by profound teachings, miraculous signs, and, ultimately, his sacrificial death and victorious resurrection, paved the way for this kingdom's reality to break into our world.

Through Him, we catch vivid glimpses of what it means to live under God's reign - a life characterized by love, justice, and profound spiritual renewal. Jesus didn't just talk about the kingdom; he embodied it, inviting us to follow him into a new way of being that transcends the limitations of our human societies.

1. **Teaching with Authority: ** Jesus' teachings, parables, and sermons offered revolutionary insights into the nature of God's kingdom. He challenged prevailing norms and invited his listeners to rethink their perspectives on power, wealth, and morality.

2. **Miraculous Signs: ** Through miracles, Jesus demonstrated the kingdom's power, showing compassion and bringing healing and restoration. These acts were not just displays of divine power but signposts pointing to the kingdom's present and transformative reality.

3. **Sacrificial Love: ** At the cross, Jesus exemplified the utmost expression of love and obedience. His sacrifice opened the way for us to enter the kingdom, tearing down the barriers of sin and death that separated humanity from God.

4. **Resurrection and Victory: ** Jesus' resurrection is the ultimate affirmation of the kingdom's power over death and its promise of new life. It assures us that the kingdom is not an abstract concept but a living, breathing reality, victorious over darkness.

In following Jesus, we're not merely adhering to a set of doctrines or engaging in religious rituals; we're embracing a way of life that mirrors the kingdom's values. He invites us into a journey of transformation, where our lives increasingly reflect his goodness and grace. This path isn't always easy. It challenges our preconceptions and calls for deep, often costly discipleship. Yet, as we walk in His footsteps, we find ourselves becoming part of the kingdom's unfolding story – a narrative of redemption, hope, and unending love.

The role of Jesus in establishing the Kingdom of God cannot be overstated. His life, death, and resurrection are the bedrock on which the kingdom stands. As we follow Him, we're not just walking toward a distant, spiritual realm; we're actively participating in the kingdom's reality here and now.

It's a kingdom that grows within us, transforming us from the inside out, and through us, reaches out to touch the world with the light of Christ's love. Let's embrace this high calling with faith and courage, for in Jesus, we have everything we need to live as citizens of this glorious kingdom.

## 5. Being Born Again to Enter the Kingdom.

The Kingdom of God isn't just a distant or abstract concept; it's a profound transformation of our very selves, starting from the inside out. **To truly enter this kingdom, we must be born again, a spiritual rebirth that reshapes our identity, desires, and purpose. ** This isn't about adhering to a set of rules or performing religious rituals.

It's about letting the Spirit of God renew our minds and hearts, leading us into a life that mirrors the values and virtues of this heavenly kingdom. It's a call to leave behind the old ways of living—ways that are often marked by selfishness, greed, and short-sightedness—and to embrace a new way of being that reflects the love, joy, and peace of Jesus Christ.

Being born again is the gateway to seeing the world through a new lens, one illuminated by the light of Christ. Suddenly, the priorities of the Kingdom of God become our priorities. We begin to value what God values, love what He loves, and seek what He seeks.

This transformation isn't instantaneous; it's a journey that unfolds day by day, decision by decision. As we submit to the leading of the Holy Spirit, we find our steps aligning more closely with the paths of righteousness, justice, and compassion that define the kingdom. Our lives become testimonies to the transformative power of God's grace, drawing others towards the light.

In this process of being born again, we discover that the Kingdom of God is not a far-off or future reality but a present and living experience. It's here and now, within us and among us. This realization empowers us to live with purpose and passion, knowing that our lives are part of a larger story—one that is eternal and filled with hope.

As we grow in our understanding and experience of God's kingdom, our perspectives shift, and our actions begin to reflect the kingdom's values more clearly. We become ambassadors of God's love, agents of His peace, and vessels of His joy.

Yet, this journey of being born again also confronts us with challenges. It demands that we examine our hearts, confront our shortcomings, and rely on God's strength rather than our own. **But in this vulnerability lies our greatest strength. **

Through surrender, we gain access to the boundless power of God's Spirit, enabling us to overcome obstacles, break chains of bondage, and live in the freedom and fullness of life that Jesus promises to those who follow Him.

In embracing this new birth, we step into the reality of the Kingdom of God, a realm where we are not just survivors but conquerors, not just citizens but beloved children of the King.

## 6. Declaring and Advancing the Kingdom.

### Declaring the Kingdom with Boldness.

In our journey within the Kingdom of God, we are not mere spectators. We are called to be vocal participants, declaring its reality with boldness and confidence. When we speak of the kingdom, our words are more than just sounds; they are vessels of power, carrying the authority of our King.

As we align our declarations with God's will, we witness the atmosphere shift, the spiritual landscape change, and the hearts of people turn towards the light. It's a profound responsibility, to use our words to echo God's truth and love into the world, but it's also an incredible privilege.

### Living as Ambassadors of the Kingdom.

Our role in advancing the Kingdom of God extends beyond our words to the very essence of our lives. We are called to be ambassadors, living reflections of the kingdom's values. This means that our actions, our decisions, and even our thoughts are all opportunities to demonstrate the nature of our King.

It's about embodying the love, justice, peace, and righteousness that are the hallmarks of His reign. Every act of kindness, every pursuit of justice, every moment of self-sacrifice is a declaration of the kingdom's presence and power among us.

### The Power of Prayer in Advancing the Kingdom.

One of the most potent tools we have in advancing the Kingdom of God is prayer. Through prayer, we connect directly with the heart of the Father, aligning our desires with His. It's in these moments of intimate conversation that we are empowered to bring heaven to earth. Our prayers invite God's rule and reign into our lives, our communities, and our world. They tear down strongholds of darkness and build up bastions of light. In prayer, we are reminded that the advancement of the kingdom is not by our might nor by our power, but by the Spirit of the Lord.

### The Unstoppable Force of the Kingdom.

As we declare and live out the reality of the Kingdom of God, we join an unstoppable force. This kingdom is ever advancing, breaking through barriers, transforming lives, and reclaiming territory from the kingdom of darkness.

Its growth and impact might sometimes seem slow or imperceptible, but make no mistake, the kingdom of God is forcefully advancing. With every heart touched by love, every life transformed by grace, and every injustice challenged by righteousness, the kingdom's boundaries expand.

### Our Collective Role in the Kingdom's Story.

In the grand narrative of the Kingdom of God, each of us has a part to play. Our individual stories of transformation, hope, and redemption weave together into a beautiful tapestry that showcases the kingdom's glory. As we declare and advance the kingdom, we are not acting alone.

We are part of a global community of believers, each contributing to the kingdom's cause in our unique way. Together, we are stronger, our voices louder, and our impact greater. The Kingdom of God is not just a future hope; it's a present reality that we are invited to participate in, here and now.

Let's embrace our role with joy, courage, and anticipation, knowing that we are part of something truly divine and eternal.

## 7. Transitioning from the Kingdom of Darkness to the Kingdom of Light.

Transitioning from the Kingdom of Darkness to the Kingdom of Light is perhaps the most profound journey any of us can undertake. It's a passage from a life overshadowed by fear, confusion, and despair to one illuminated by faith, clarity, and hope. This journey doesn't promise to be easy, but it's the path to true liberation and joy.

In this great transition, we leave behind the illusions and lies that once bound us, stepping into the truth that sets us free. It's about surrendering our lives to a purpose greater than ourselves, allowing the light of Christ to penetrate the darkest corners of our hearts. This isn't merely a one-time event but a continuous process of becoming more like Jesus, letting His light shine through us, dispelling darkness wherever we go.

Our role in this transformative journey is active. We are called to live as children of light, embodying the values of the Kingdom of God in every aspect of our lives. It's about making choices every day that reflect our allegiance to this kingdom of light. Through acts of kindness, justice, mercy, and love, we not only declare but also demonstrate the reality of God's kingdom to a world in desperate need of hope.

The beauty of this transition is that we're not alone. We walk this path alongside a community of believers, supported by the Holy Spirit, guided by the Word of God, and constantly reminded of the eternal hope we have in Christ. Together, we learn to navigate the challenges and celebrate the victories, always pressing forward towards the full realization of the Kingdom of God.


In our exploration of the Kingdom of God, we've journeyed through its profound depths, uncovering the transformative power it holds for our lives. From understanding its eternal, increasing nature to recognizing the pivotal role of Jesus in establishing it, we've seen how being born again is the gateway to this kingdom. We've discussed the importance of declaring and advancing the kingdom and the life-changing transition from darkness to light.

As we go forth, let's carry the light of this kingdom with us, letting it guide our steps and illuminate our paths. Let's live with the conviction that our small beginnings can lead to great outcomes in the hands of God, and let's boldly declare the coming of His kingdom through our words and actions.

Together, as citizens of this heavenly kingdom, we have the privilege and responsibility to embody its values, bringing glimpses of heaven to earth, until the day when the Kingdom of God is fully realized, and His will is done on earth as it is in heaven.

## FAQ

### FAQ: Discovering the Kingdom of God.

**What is the Kingdom of God? **

The Kingdom of God is a spiritual realm where divine values like righteousness, peace, and joy govern. It's a place where love is the law and justice the foundation, requiring us to live in harmony with God's eternal truths.

**How is the Kingdom of God different from earthly kingdoms? **

Unlike earthly kingdoms, which are transient, the Kingdom of God is eternal and ever-increasing. Its foundation is unshakable, and it grows in glory, reach, and impact, offering healing, restoration, and peace to the world.

**How does the Kingdom of God grow? **

The Kingdom starts small, like a mustard seed, but expands to encompass all who come under its influence. This principle of growth reminds us that even the smallest beginnings can lead to mighty outcomes, both in the kingdom's expansion and in our personal spiritual growth.

**What role did Jesus' play in the kingdom? **

Jesus is the cornerstone of the Kingdom of God. Through his life, teachings, death, and resurrection, He unveiled the kingdom to us, inviting us to follow Him and live out the values of this heavenly realm. Jesus taught us that entering the kingdom requires a transformation, a new birth in the Spirit.

**What does it mean to be 'born again' to enter the Kingdom? **

Being born again is a divine transformation that enables us to see and enter the Kingdom of God. It involves letting go of our old selves and embracing a new identity in Christ, opening our lives to the realities and fullness of life that the kingdom promises. It is the spirit of God entering our spirit and bringing it to life, so we can live both in the physical realm and the spirit realm.

**How do we declare and advance the Kingdom of God? **

As citizens of the Kingdom, we're called to declare its reality to the world through our words and actions, demonstrating Jesus' rule and reign. Through prayer and living out the kingdom's values, we align our will with God's, bringing His kingdom to earth.

**How can we transition from the kingdom of darkness to the Kingdom of light? **

Transitioning to the Kingdom of light involves a heartfelt response to God's call, a willingness to be transformed by His Spirit. It means stepping out in faith, embracing Jesus' teachings, and committing to live according to the kingdom's principles of love, justice, and peace.

Embracing the Kingdom of God transforms our lives, offering a new perspective that challenges us to live beyond our earthly circumstances. It invites us into a journey of growth, discovery, and participation in God's eternal, advancing work. Through it, we find true freedom, fulfilment, and the promise of eternal life.

Written by Pastor Graeme Foster

Apostolic Praise Centre

Apostolic Prophetic Training network

Kingdom of God episode

on the Apostolic Echoes podcast